Arctic animals...

Marine life:

An example of Arctic Marine life

are Blue whales. Theses are a type

of whales in the many, including:

Fin whales, humpback whales,

sperm whales and killer whales.

Blue whales eat krill, copepods. To attain these foods, they must lure their prey in. This can be hard because of their size, an average female being a whopping 25 meters!

Krill copepods

Killer whales:

Killer whales are known to be

a lot smaller then blue whales,

and weigh less too!Another

difference is that Killer whales

have teeth, where blue whales don't!

they eat very similar food as well,

but do have their differences!


Narwhals are known as the unicorn of the sea, because of their beautiful tusks! Their diet consists of squid, crabs and other sea life.