
The Three Little Pigs and

Chinese New Year.

This week we have been learning about the tale The Three Little Pigs. We have read the story of the Three Little Pigs and have been making our own houses with straw, sticks and bricks.

We have also been exploring Chinese New year, and this year it's the year of the pig. We have been marking making pigs and Chinese numbers and have also been enjoying messy play with rice and noodles.

We have also made some beautiful blossom tree's using paint and tissue paper. We scrunched up the tissue paper and glued them down and then mixed red and white paint to make pink and then dabbed on the paint with our fingers.

In phonics this week also looked at the letter sounds I i and N n.

Next week we will be reading Little Red Riding Hood and will also be learning about Valentines day.


The Wrap Around Team.