World War 2 timeline

7th March 1936 - German troops enter the Rhineland

15th March 1938 - Gemany invades Austria

29th September 1938 - Germany takes control of Czechlslovakia

16th March 1939 - Germany takes control of all of Czechoslovakia

1st September 1939 - English children evacuated

3rd September 1939 - Britain and France declare war

17th September 1939 - USSR invade Poland

27th September 1939 - Capital of Poland was into German control

8th Janurary 1940 - Food Rationing begins

9th April 1940 - Germany invades Denmark and Norway

10th May 1940 - Germany invades Netherlands and Belgium

26th May 1940 - British troops evacuated from Dunkirk

27th May 1940 - Belgium surrenders to German control

10th June 1940 - Norway surrenders to German control

22nd June 1940 - Germany turns on it's Allies and attacks the USSR

25th June 1940 - Germany takes control of France

10th July - 31st October 1940- The Battle Of Britian

7th September 1940 - 10th May 1941 - The Blitz

7th December 1941 - Japan attacks Pearl Harbour in Hawaii

8th December 1941 - The USA joins the war

6th June 1944 - D-Day, Britain, USA and Canada invade Normandy in France

25th August 1944 - Paris liberated from German control

30tyh April 1945 - Adolf Hiler commits suicide

7th May 1945 - Germany is invaded from the East by the USSR.

8th May 1945 - War in Europe ends!

By Lily and Tabitha