(Disclaimer: I have nothing against any other houses, I don't want to put them down, I only want to defend those Ravenclaws out there. Thanks!)

Today in my blog I want to help some Ravenclaws out.

First off, what is a Ravenclaw? Ravenclaws are people who have been chosen by the Sorting Hat into the house of Rowena Ravenclaw. This house values intelligence, wit, individuality, creativity, acceptance and originality. In the books, the Sorting hat says

'Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,

If you've a ready mind,

Where those of wit and learning,

Will always find their kind."

Most people don't get that their mascot is an eagle NOT A RAVEN, an EAGLE. This is because Rowena selected her students based on their wisdom and so it became part of her last name RAVEN+CLAW, the raven is describing the colours of the claw of an eagle and not the raven itself. The corresponding element to this house is air because the colours of the house are blue and bronze, blue for the sky and bronze for the feathers of an eagle - and both of these have much in common with air. Another thing that people wonder is why Hermione was not put into Ravenclaw, an extremely intelligent witch 'the smartest witch of your age' as Sirius says himself and the top student of her year. She wanted to be put into Gryffindor and the Hat granted her wish, although she admitted that the Sorting Hat had seriously considered putting her in Ravenclaw.

Sometimes, people think all Ravenclaws are nerds and that is not true. I want to convince you that they aren't although some may be. The stereotypical image of them is asking for more homework, who even asks for more homework! They just want to challenge themselves, that's all, to stretch themselves. Look at Luna Lovegood! (Luna Lovegood is a Ravenclaw, who fought alongside Harry and the rest of them at the Department of Mysteries) Was she a nerd? No! In fact, I think she is the exact opposite of a nerd. She was an adventurous, quirky and lovable character, even though she can be a eccentric, to say the least, at times. She is an amazing character - who is personally one of my favourites - and she just has this way to say whatever she likes without caring what any one else thinks. Luna fought in the Battle Of Hogwarts and became one of the most famous Ravenclaws. Another famous Ravenclaw was Flitwick, a fantastic teacher at Hogwarts.

Please don't think of all Ravenclaws as nerds, I was a Ravenclaw (but I'm a Slytherin now) and I was not a nerd, or geek or swot etc. This is important, you wouldn't like it if you were thought of as a nerd because of your house team, so please don't do it to others. Thanks for reading guys, I'm out.