My silly story about how the Earth got it's tilt.

One day an evil goat had a dream about destroying the world.

And he decided it was such a good idea that he would do it.

So later that night he crept out of his barn, along the street

and into his shed. All night CLANK CLANK CLANK and all day

BOOM BOOM BOOM. Then the little door opend and the goat

stood proudly dressed in a lime green spacesuit, which was horrible.

The cats,dogs,sheep,cows and horses stared at him, they were almost

blinded by his spacesuit.The little goat strolled down the road getting

wolf whistles from all the animals in the street.After paradeing up the street a few times, it got anoying so he truged back into his barn.He waited until the evening and crept out into his shed, in his shed there was a rocket. It was a sweet little rocket but decorated with skulls and blood. The goat had made a hole in the roof so he could launch the rocket through. But he had an idea, before he took of in his rocket he would have a feast.He ran back to his barn and raided the fridge and cupboard. He ate and ate and ATE.Until he was as big as a elephant.

Suddenly there was a creak THE EARTH TIPPED OVER.