Learn About Different Dancing Techniques!

If you LOVE to dance, read this to become a PRO at ALL dance styles!


1. Always make sure that you have enough room to do ALL types of dance.

2. Try and move FRAGILE furniture out of the way.

3. Have patience and care when doing dance.

4. Always do stretching before ANY type of dance.

5. Show a BIG smile and have lots of fun!


If you like to do a lot of leg movements and slow, expressive dance... choose this because it will help you a lot!

Step 1. Choose a good song to dance to (mostly a smooth and slow rhythm that you can have a good pace too).

Step 2. At the start of the song try and pick up some leg movements.

Step 3. Ask somebody you can TRUST to lean back on.

Step 4. Do a lovely pirouette (a spin in any direction).

Step 5. Add some slow, elegant moves to a pace of your choice.

Step 6. At the end of your song/dance, take a deep breath and keep practising.

Hip Hop

If you are a very hyper type of person and LOVE to listen to trendy, upbeat songs... join this area of Dance Techniques!

Step 1. Pick a fast, upbeat song that YOU are comfortable with.

Step 2. Make sure that you can have enough time to add ALL your favourite dance moves with the time you have on your song.

Step 3. If you would like to have more people in your dance, feel free to ask them and make sure everyone on your team knows how to do your chosen dance moves.


Join this area of dancing techniques for more dancing types!

Step 1. Ask a few friends or family members to join your dance.

Step 2. Pick a song that maybe you've heard or a song that is comfortable with you.

Step 3. Add some quick tap dancing and smooth jazzy styles!

Well now you know the most popular, easy, cool and fun dance moves. So go home and show your family members, friends and parents your new dance and remember to have fun and always show a big smile!