Anne Frank

I am Cody Catania from year 5 Amber and this is my presentation about Anne frank. This part of the information was taken by 'Jessie Szalay'.

Do you know who was Anne Frank ? She was a teenage girl who was Jewish and had a special diary. Anne Frank used this diary during war 2 of Nazis. Anne Frank was hiding in 'secret Annex' for over 2 years but unfortunately she was sent to concentration camps and died in them in 1945.

It Anne's Frank father who produced her diary. Short bibliographical information about this intelligent girl : Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt Germany on the 12th of June 1929. In 1944 Anne Frank died by a typhoid fever. Jewish people were punished because of their religion, they were starved to death including children who were also killed by tragedy and gas showers. About 6 million Jewish people were killed by the Nazis , this includes the death of Anne Frank.

This true story shows and teach us a lesson against racism. We are all humans and need to love and respect everyone.