The governors were extremely excited to visit St Joseph's on Friday 22nd January to find out more about what the children are learning in computing and digital literacy. As governors we are well aware that the new curriculum focuses heavily on this subject and as a school we have devoted significant resources to our improve teaching and learning in this area.

Mr. Ferry gave a fascinating presentation on how computing is currently taught in the school and we learned a lot about blogging (which I am now doing, as I don't want to be left out!), web design and coding. We visited a number of classes, in different age groups, all of which were learning all about algorithms and giving instructions in computer language - even in Reception. I was delighted to see the ease with which many pupils used their iPads and laptops, and how natural words like "decoding" and "algorithm" were used by all children. What was also interesting was hearing how children were applying coding skills in other areas of learning - where you would expect, like maths, but also in literacy. One child told me that coding helped her in structuring her work and thinking through problems.

We also met with some of the children from the school's Raspberry pi club. They were all full of excitement, showing us what they had managed to code their Raspberry pi to do and I was particularly interested in the sonic pi work that had been completed. It was amazing to see our children speak so confidently about they skills they have gained from this lunchtime club.

We have rightly received some high praise for our work in this field. We are one of LB of Islington's lead schools in computing. Under Mr Ferry's lead, the computing faculty has made great strides. In addition our Raspberry pi kids were at the Emirates stadium in the past couple of weeks, showing off what they have learned. Finally it was exciting to hear that a government representative from Nova Scotia has recently visited came to the school to find out more about our exemplary practice in computing.

We are very proud of what St Joseph's has achieved so far. As governors, we will be supporting these great strides and look forward to hearing more about our digitally literate pupils.

Frances Doherty, Foundation Governor