Michael Morpurgo opening hook

This week year 5 we have been writing our own short Michael Morpurgo storys and mine was about me finding a MONKEY in the Amazon when I was on a family holiday so this is my hook and a tiny bit of my opening:

"I never would have done it if I knew what the future would hold, he's gone now but I still see him in my dreams...

It all began in Sao Paulo when I was getting into my open top Jeep ready for a long, rough ride to the holiday of a lifetime.(this journey is familliar to me because we go there every year). I couldn't believe the summer holidays had started already!

Finally we arrived at the Amazon, I stared baffled and mesmerised at the lush, emerald green vegetation, it was like an Amazon fruit salad. I was amazed at the exotic sights umbrellalike trees towered over us like New York skyscrapers desperate to touch the clouds that were hidden by the blue satin sky.