Dearest Lady Olivia,

I have been captured by your love: whenever I see you, my heart skips a beat. The letter you placed in my palms has compelled me to write this letter full of affection to you my dearest. The moment I read M.A.I.O., my heart soared through the heavens. I felt now was the right time to tell you since I know, after all this time, you are the one for me. I realise that the loss of your father and brother has forced you to be rid of all men, but now the initial pain and sorrow has worn off, you are still grieving and so I am here to be your knight in shining armour like I always have been.

Your eyes shimmer like the ocean’s surface on a hot summer’s day. Your hair flows like a stream flowing through the woods and into a subtle lake. Your smile is as pearl-white as snow that lays on the frosty winter’s ground.

My love has been trapped inside of me for years and years. It has never found the strength to break free and now our love has joined together. Through all the pain and sorrow, they have found each other and have broken free. My love will never match any other.
