Fitness week!

On Tuesday we played Just4kicks at Beverly park, Which was so much fun. On Wednesday we played tennis me and my friend had loads of fun playing tennis together. Thursday was the inflatables me and my friend were partners and loved going through the assault course together whilst holding hands or racing and seeing who won. Friday was sports day there were loads of different activity and I loved winning points for my house group! My favourite part was the inflatables, because there was a blown up slide and a assault course the slide was high and bumpy I was scared every time I flew down! Me and my partner loved thinking of new challenges as we ran through the course together we even did some races we usually were tied until we got to the last obstacle which was a steep,slippery ramp with some wobbly bumps to help it was really hard to get on to it, so whoever got up first had to pull the other person up. I think the school should 100% keep the inflatables because they are so fun. They should also keep how we did sports day but with the parents because I didn't feel pressure and my group thought of it as fun instead of a competition. I think they could change the way we did tennis because we didn't really get to do proper tennis but it was super fun talking to Gemison class and playing with them!