The mouse came across a lion who was sleeping.The miniscule mouse tiptoed onto the lions back and onto his mane.As soon as the lion woke up the mouse tried to escape but it was too late the lion mouse by the tale.The lion was very enraged."I do not like being disturbed.Now tell me one good reason why you are here"the lion conferdentally asked.

"Bob why don't we set the trap here. The grass is very long. Why don't they cut it here anyway?"loudly asked Jack." They do NOT cut it here because this is where animals live not HUMANS live remember? "shouted Bob. "Oh yeah"replied Jack. "Ok lets set the trap here"sighed Bob. "YAY!"shouted Jack."shhh!we do not want the animals to know we are here!"moaned Bob."Ok let's set the trap,"replied Jack."FINALLY!"yelled Bob

Bob and Jack started building the trap."Quickly,an animal is coming hide!"wispered Bob.The lion,was roaming around when suddenly he got caught."HELP!roared the lion.The mouse heard him and rushed to help.