
The sun whistled further to the west,

Edging closer, getting bigger,

Suddenly the cloud cover the sun,

Through the air, heavy blue drops,

Splat, splat, splat.

The rain hit the roof tops,

Dribble from the clouds,

Going into peoples drains,

Down to the roads,

Splat, Splat, Splat .

People hear, people get wet, people annoyed,

the rain runs down the hill,

through the roads, down the hills,

to the streams.

splat, splat, splat.

the water turned into streams,

the streams turned into the rivers,

the rivers went to the sea,

complete the cycle of water.

splat, splat, splat.

back to the village.

it hit the roof tops with a thump,

people hear, people get wet, people are driving.

the sun comes out, the clouds go away,

everything is sunny.