The harpy eagle is the worlds largest extant eagle and has talons bigger than a grizzly bears paw. It’s rare throughout its range, is found in Mexico (nearly extinct) through Central America and into South America to as far as Argentina.

Harpy eagle

The harpy eagle is a neotropical species of eagles. It is also called American harpy eagle to distinguish it from the Papuan eagle, Which is sometimes known as the new Guinea harpy eagle or Papuan harpy eagle (which is the same) scientific name of the harpy eagle is: harpia harpyja. Some people also ask what eats the harpy eagle? Well I I’ll tell you that predators and threats. These eagles share the head of the food chain what Jaguars and anaconda like a snake or pretty much a snake, so nothing really eats them. Unfortunately these eagles are threatened by some of us humans (hunters) my question is why do we have hunters killing rare animals? As if it would make you “famous or rich” never mind actually do kind if you ever see a hunter investigate them just kidding but do ask why do they do this.

Others ask can a harpy eagle eat humans? Let me answer that, starting with the basics unlike many other large raptors, harpy eagles will sit on a perch and allow people to approach to them, I’m afraid they are not afraid of humans so they can easily ummm kill us. Ok I am done from here and will tell you exactly what class they’re in the aves order: accipitriformes length: approximately 99cm adult weigh 4.8kg (population decreasing) conservation statues: near threatened ok that’s it from me.