The Changing Michael

The reader first meets Michael in Chapter 1 where he seems a joyful boy but slowly through the chapters, he gets more depressed because of his sister being born way earlier than she should've done. As the novel develops so does Michael's character. He becomes lost in his actions because he doesn't know what to do with the story about Michael. He misses out a few days of school. This definitely contributes to his depression as he misses seeing his friends. However he makes a new friend called Mina. They form a strong bond, but Mina is a bit of a bossy boots which might make Michael feel a bit down. Towards the end of the novel Michael gets happier as the situation with his sister gets better and Mina and Michael visit Skellig more often. At the end of the novel I can imagine Michael feeling as happy as can be because his sister has made a full recovery and has returned home.