lego education

I really enjoyed making the goal kicker. I noticed the higher the number the quicker the leg spins. You use only a few pieces to make the goal kicker me and my partner where the first people to finish it. When you do the extension you must get to put the motion sensor at the end. You need to have a motor too make it work .It probably takes about 50-60 pieces. I would take about 10-15 minutes to make it. how we begin is by the teacher giving the boxes to your partner or you then you turn on the computer and start listening to the instructions on the computer. and after you have to do the extension what take s about 5-10 minutes. so far we've made a spinning bird, drumming monkey, crocodile, lion, flapping and the goal kicker. The bird spins and you could change the rubber band to make the spinning birds spin faster and slower. The drumming monkey just drums and the crocodile bites. the lion puts its hands up and down but we had a problem with that, the head kept on falling off. But we solved that problem. The week after we did a flapping bird you had to listen to the headphones and the goal kicker kicks.