Hey guys and welcome back to juicy. My other blog was quite short and I will try to make this interesting if there is you would like me to include write it in the comments or text me on my lgfl Anjej001.317.

Firstly, I will be talking about how the Ellen show will soon no longer be a thing. If you don't know about it you can watch it on your TV or on Ellen Tube. Ellen's show was funny, funny and even more funny and I think she should carry on with her talk show. A fan says: " She should still do it because it's a good show and she teaches people how to love one another".

Did you know Michael Jackson probably composed the sonic the hedgehog songs but is not credited.

A hump- back whale just misses a boat while it comes out of the water. The people on the boat could've a) fell out of the boat and be eaten by a shark or b) eaten by the whale like Jhonah from the bible.

NASA says that the moon is shrinking and shaking. The fact that it's shaking makes me feel like it's a huge meteor and is going to head straight to earth.

Don't forget you can get minecraft noobs from Brandon for free and check out his website and Olivia makes paper sqishies so check out her blog.Text me for advice on my lgfl.


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