Explaining to you about an online game called-


MovieStarPlanet is a very popular game for girls, although some boys also play it. Despite MovieStarPlanet having its ups and downs, for example some children may be playing it online when you are only seven or less, which is wrong because the least is eight plus. MovieStarPlanet does a lot of fake pictures of MovieStarPlanet inside it such as the picture below.

This is not what MovieStarPlanet looks like although what they are trying to make it look like is by telling you stuff that isn't true so they will get money but you will just get glitched of a ford. MovieStarPlanet is mainly for you to live with a boyfriend and get pets design your house and get makeup for your face. MovieStarPlanet has mini games that aren't that bad.

Copied from website: https://www.net-aware.org.uk/networks/movie-star-planet/

Is content on MovieStarPlanet suitable for children and young people?

We were not able to ask parents about MovieStarPlanet so these ratings are based on what young people told us.


Low Risk

Violence and hatred

Low Risk


Low Risk

Suicide and self-harm

Low Risk


Low Risk



We were not able to ask parents about MovieStarPlanet. However, please see some quotes from young people below. 19% of young people reported seeing violence and hatred on MovieStarPlanet. 18% reported sexual content.

Until above.

As you can see above shows the true facts, which they say is true. Although I disagree with the bullying being low risk., because there is a girl on YouTube that plays MovieStarPlanet and almost in every video she gets bullied, and her sister and I believe many more. Also because you do not know the people and if you speak to them you can be dragged into saying private information. Or be cyber bullied which can cause suicide. Also from some speeches of a fourteen year old boy he said that there are naked pictures of characters, inappropriate and there isn't a blocking system. The main thing is that when you are about to download or go on any app, ask your parents and make sure that they are paying attention and are actually listening to you, but if they say yes then think for yourself

and think if it is good, and see the age limits when you tell them, although if your parents say no then listen to them because parents know best, and they do what is right for you and not what is wrong. I hope that you have learned something from my explanation of MovieStarPlanet and remember the permission goes to any game and the age limits too because it is all for a reason.

Thank you, Shayla.