
Write scene 3 of the sun and the wind.

setting: at the park

Characters: The wind,the sun,the cloud,and Penny Pen

The wind is very angry because he didn't win. The wind wants to try again. The cloud

sees Penny Pen wearing a hat. Who is going to make the woman taking off her hat?

The wind: Let's try again. I can make the woman taking off her hat.

The sun: OK, let's start.

The cloud: Start.

The sun: I will go first.

The sun: I am shining on Penny. Why is she not taking off her hat? I am tired . It's your turn wind.

The wind: I am blowing as hard as I can.

The sun: You can't do it .

The wind : Yes I can!

The sun :No!

The wind: It fell off ! Yes!

The sun : You won.

The cloud: Good job.

The sun: I am sorry I yelled at you.

The wind: It's OK. I forgive you.

The sun: Thanks, congratulations.

The narrator: The sun and the wind settled out their differences and became friends.