
Hey, today im going to you about scarcity . Scarcity mean there is a De- crease of human reasorces. For instance Housing, there is a veriouty of people who are financially struggling to pay the bills or rent.And im some cases youmight get evicted and your other option is to live on the street. It is a real shame to all what is happning these days. And this is all because of there are Many people who are Travling to this county for better opitunities.

Witch means people are using up more reasorces.


One day.. There was a planet in the Solar System and It was called Justenuf, They had just enough of everything! Everyone was happy! Abun dance was the Computer that run Justenuf,

But one day it broke.. "Oh No!" shouted the captin in destress "Why Abun Dance!?"

the computer didnt reply.. "How am i ment to run Justenuf all by myself" The captain thought to him self. The Next Day.. the captain woke up to here Shputing outsode.. He opened his frontbdoor of his roket ship to see everyone from the justenuf planet standing outside "CAPTAIN, CAPTAIN YOU HAVE TO HELP US" Shouted a very worried man "What is it?" Asked the Captain in a stern voice "There is not enough food anymore!!" Replyed the Man

"My fellow wolks, I have some news that i wanted to tell you, Abun Dance has broken down!".

"And now we will have to call are Planet Notenuf. But who will they share there food, that they have left? Here is ehat i think. I thinknthey should get a handfull of food each two days. But once again that is my oppnion
