Daily Miles

 Hi there I am urwa and I will be talking about are daily mile that are beloved teacher Mr Torres has set up for us. So what happens if we do the daily mile in the field ? If we do the daily mile we will get a prize you don't just get a prize to run 1 lap or 2 laps on the arena you have to do 1 or 3 miles and you will get a prize . I am trying incoruoge you all to do a mile or two in that time there will be a certain type of teacher watching you on the field . One more thing is that in the summer  you will be on the field and in the winter you will be on the arena also the more people there you will win as a whole class a really big trophy to put in your class. So please at least once try the daily mile and will a prize the teachers even Mr Torres and Mr Blow are incoruogeing  you too .So please try too do it even if you are tied just do it for your class. See you later bye .

Try It