Transition to year 6

Your transition to year 6 needs:

To be mature

To know the responsibilities of Head Boy/Girl

To know the responsibilities of House Captain

To be a role model

Once in year 6 to be ready to go to year 7

To know/respect our school values

To be on your best behaviour

Take the challenging learning

Pay attention

Be S.L.A.N.T


To be able to take it when you aren't chosen on a play or Things like this

Know about S.A.Ts

Year 6 is top of primary school that means they need to set an example for other smaller years by their best behaviour, all the year 6 children should-at the end of the year-be able to go to year 7 that means they need to be ready mentally and physically.

Year 6 children should not be silly or not serious; they should be the best of all the year groups (because they are the biggest).

-previous year 6 Anastacia-Daniel

Hello you are probably worried about the transition to year 6 but here are some tips for you to know what to do!

P.S good luck