Hi readers.This is our second blog and we hope you like it.

We are currently focusing on what Year five are doing just before the Easter break.They have been looking at the book 'Skellig' and are doing activities based on it. One such activity is the innovate suspense stories they have been writing.We interviewed a student in 5V and asked them why they liked it. The student said,"I like the freedom of writing.It gives everyone something special.The creativity of our stories make us feel proud of our work instead of just copying the same normal format we might usually do." Another based Skellig activity was making trailers and animations. The Year 5's worked in groups,helping each other along the way. Keep up the teamwork Year 5!

We've also found out what Year 5 really enjoy learning about.Many students have said they have really enjoyed looking at reproduction in mammals in science.They have done loads of cool experiments and have looked at some pretty amazing videos.Would you like to know about what they've been learning about too? Go to the link below to learn something new!


Students in Year 5 have also said they have enjoyed translations in maths.Their favourite bit of their maths lessons was the educational game called 'Cops and Robbers'/'Battleships'.Would you like to understand and help your child with translations? Go to the link below to find out more!


With Year 5's recent visit from the'Bird's of Prey show', Year 5 have been dazzled by birds.Year 5 have also been lucky enough to actually see a snake,a tarantula and a scorpion while being in school.With the holidays coming round the corner,Year 5 are finishing off the topic Skellig by drawing owls and Skellig himself.They're looking forward to find out about what they're doing next,but that's a secret until the next blog!