
History teaches us more about the past while were still in the present

how was first tutor queen?

queen Victoria was one of the very first celebrities but how?

A. because she was the queen?

B. because of the movies?

C. because she liked ponies?


Did Charles Darwin really eat every animal he found?

During ww2 what did the americans do when they went to England


B.brought back tights and chocolate?

C.learn how to fight?

In ww2 what made it so hard for the German to bomb on us every night

A.turn of the lights?

B.throw anything that might look? colourful

C.remove all paintings from gallerys?

During ww2 how did the German says get in England

A. dressing up as nuns and parachuting in?

B. dressing up as chefs and speedboating in?

C.dressing up as a local football team travelling on bikes?