It came quickly. Too quickly. With no warnings. I had no chance to flee. Long, sleek, golden ships. Gliding from beyond the horizon; filled with ruthless, cold hearted men. Drunk and disorganised. Escape was too much to wish for. I dropped the sea shells I was collecting for my loving mother and scampered for the safety of the village. But my legs failed me. They caught me. They grabbed me and started to drag me off shore.

Violent hands harsh voices. They snatched me. I tried to fight back, but it was too late. I could see my trail of foot prints engraved in the soft sand. Stretching across the bay it only lasted until the waves crashed against the shore. I felt the salty water seep through my clothes as I was chucked on to a cold hard wooden deck. I tumbled down into the hull. Food for the ship.

I did not yet know it, but my life as a pirate had just started.