If you feel uncomfortable call Childline: 0800 1111 or tell an adult.

Facebook: Don't reveal a younger siblings or younger friends face if they don't have Facebook and therefore don't want to be seen by others or if their parent doesn't allow it. If you are under 13 then you shouldn't have Facebook, even if your parents say you are allowed to download the app. If you do get it and reveal pictures of yourself then you're taking a risk that bad people will find where you live and might kidnapp you. Don't pretend to be an adult because people might start to message you and swear with you, if you're parents find out then you'd be in trouble and so would you if the authorities did. If you're over 13 and do have Facebook then make it a private account if you don't want to reveal images of you or friends.

Snapchat: You shouldn't be on Snapchat if you are under the age of 13. Random people can message you if you accept the freind request so make sure you look at who you accept it to! People might claim to be people your friend or somebody you know so ask your friend if they really have the app! If you see something you don't like form another user, block them so you can't see what they put. If you don't want to put up a profile picture of yourself you odn't have to or make a cute bitmoji to represemt you.

Instagram: You can download this app if you are above the age of 13 or if you are at the age of 13. If you wouldn't like strangers to look at your account or if you are worried that people might look at the picture that you have uploaded then go to the settings on the app to make it a private one.

By Amber and Poppy in Y4