Finding Egypt



Sandy at sunset I saw SPHINX! I was so surprised.Shocked,Amazed,excited I went to take a closer look, it was so amazing. At first, I thought I was in a dream but then I heard a scream so I knew I was not..After that, I went to see the pyramid that Nefertiti had been buried in. It was brilliant, I saw Jewels,coins,treasure and paintings which showed me how Nefertiti and her husband lived. When her husband died she was said to rule the kingdom as she liked.After a few years, she died.I looked into the sarcophagus and I saw a lotus flower,a good luck beetle, a Shen ring, a cobra and other things she would need to get into the afterlife.Near by after I saw massive stucked up lines of canopic jars I thought it was crazy. When I had finished Admiring her beautiful tomb I decided to go and find my way out so that I could go and see other fun things.After that I went to explore and I saw CANOPIC JARS I said wierd and passed on.Then I went and saw hieroglyphics It was interesting. Then I went and saw the pharoah I said hello and then I went. BY TAMARA