The Land of Candy Floss Castle

Excitedly, the three exhausted children continued to clamber up the ancient Magic Faraway Tree, which stood powerfully in the centre of the Enchanted Wood. As the gang reached Moonface’s little house, Silky flew beside them, looking full of energy. “Moonface , Moonface! Would you like some freshly made popcakes?”Exclaimed Silky, but before Moonface could answer, footsteps approached. Suddenly, the Angry Pixie appeared before them…

“Go away! Go away!” bellowed Moonface to the angry Pixie. Immediately, as if he feared Moonface, the peculiar pixie stormed off. “Sorry about that. Come in, “whispered Moonface softly. The gang walked in, astonished by how Moonface had scared away an agitated pixie.

“Yummy, yum,” laughed Joe; he was really enjoying the scrumptious popcakes. Moonface then remembered that they wanted to visit the amazing Candyfloss Castle which was currently at the top of the tree. The three children, Moonface and Saucepan man climbed up the colossal, towering tree once again ready for another mind-blowing adventure.

Once they all had arrived at the bright pink land Joe shouted “Wow! This place is stunning. It’s all pink and it’s full of candyfloss.” Joe was extremely astonished! His sapphire, blue eyes widened at the sight of a castle made completely of delicious candyfloss.

“Welcome to Candyfloss Castle,” smiled winsome Frannie, but there was a bit of a problem-Beth did not like the colour pink… “I! DO! NOT! LIKE! PINK!!!!!!!” yelled Beth. Therefore, Moonface decided to cheer her up. “We can go to the castle itself, might even find something good there- a candyfloss dispenser. Come on,” suggested Moonface.

“It’s not as bad as I thought,” muttered Beth.“Actually it is quite bad,” whispered Joe (he sounded like he was terrified). An unnerving figure drifted towards them. The evil candyfloss knight. He’d been guarding the Candyfloss Castle for hundreds of centuries making sure that there were no intruders entering. Despite the bright pink candyfloss that the ferocious knight was made out of, he was absolutely fierce face that glared at them…

Without warning, the aggressive knight roared and started the chase! “Quick! Run for your lives!” screamed the petrified Saucepan man. Immediately, everyone started running at once. Their hearts were beating fast, running out of breath, and with his loudest voice, Moonface cried,” Hole, hole, there’s a hole in the ground ahead of us. STOP!” Unfortunately, Moonface’s voice was drowned by the shouts of the malicious knight. Luckily, the Saucepan man was a bit louder than Moonface (but he was a little deaf) so he shouted, “Run to the big bowl! Hide in it! “The frightened gang dashed towards the big bowl hoping to lose the eerie candyfloss guard. They ran really quickly but they dropped suddenly into the hole of death… Will they survive?

It was dull and gloomy, nearly pitch black. The three terrified children, Moonface, Saucepan man and Silky sat on the floor of a tiny, dingy room. They could only just see each other with a flickering flame.“Frannie! Frannie! Come here,” called Saucepan man. Strangely, Frannie had on the opposite side of which the others had fallen on. Carefully, Frannie slowly got up and walked on the rocky stone floor towards them. Suddenly, there was a deep rumbling noise as soon as Frannie stepped on something round, flat and hard- a stone, it was near the rough wall. Immediately, a trapdoor opened letting a pin, phenomenal candyfloss car came in. The doors opened and the gang climbed inside. The car swiftly zoomed back to the hole in the cloud and the gang stepped out and they were safely back at the Magic Faraway Tree.

" Yay! We're back!" shouted Joe with happiness in his voice. Mysteriously, Silky drifted to the ground. " I can't fly without my wand! I must get another one!" cried Silky sadly. Will Silky manage to find a new wand?