Our best day yet!
Today we had a day full of wonder and exploration. First of all we were interior designers, who had been given a brief to design a bedroom for a client with an unlimited budget. Don't tell anyone, but we were really doing a mathematical area and perimeter investigation!!

Then we became police detectives as we wrote the police report about an incident of break and entry and impersonation at a cottage in some woods outside of town. The suspect (a wolf) was seen acting suspiciously outside of an old lady's house. There was a report of a scream (from a young girl with a red cloak) and the police were soon called to investigate. Sound familiar? Well it's the story of Red Riding Hood but seen from another perspective. The jury is out on the innocence of the wolf!

During the afternoon, we became scientists as we sorted different materials into categories by way of an introduction to our new topic of Keeping Warm. We even took our register in role as professors, doctors and scientists! To finish the day, we created the title page in our books for our Tudor work. These are INCREDIBLE and the satisfaction and pride on the faces of the children was wonderful to see. Well done Year 4: believe in yourselves, you are amazing and everything is possible.