
How is an earthquake caused ?

An earthquake is caused when two of the tectonic plates on the earth's crust snap, crack or make any sudden movements. This makes the ground vibrate which becomes an earthquake. Many homes are destroyed when this happens and almost one million people become


Some of the biggest earthquakes.

The biggest earthquake ever was the Valdivia earthquake. It happened in 1960 and is the largest recorded earthquake. Measuring 9.5 on

the Richter Scale.

What is the Richter Scale ?

The Richter scale is a scale used to measure the strength of an earthquake from 0-10. So if you think about it the Valdivia earthquake

was deadly.

How long can an earthquake last ?

An earthquake can last for a few minutes but can also last for about an hour making it impossible to guess how long an earthquake can last

because no one can see into the future and no one will ever be able to unless people become super geniuses. The Haiti earthquake I am mentioning because it was really bad and lasted for about half an hour.