OTne sparkly morning, Joe, Rick and Frannie set off to the far away tree they wondered what the place would be. After a while, they met moon face in his house there was saucepan man they climbed the everlasting tree to the top. The land was robot land there was a robot hero called Bob. They went to the shops they mostly had batteries because it was robot land but there was one shop that sold brinks for humans. It sold fruit juice they had a glass of it was delicious but they felt not very well they started to shrink until they were the size of a pee. Then bob the robot came and almost flattened them they were terrified their hearts were pounding. but they magically came up to their normal size and they friended Bob the robot but they had to get out quickly before it was to late luckily they escape. THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or is it???????????