Happy Blogging

Week 1-Microsociety Blog

-Tribes had a lot of scarcity with food

-1st and 3rd world , e.g. U.S,Western Europe

-JUSTENUF is a shot story with a captain deciding to divide resources.

-Society flags for our community.

In todays lesson I learned about scarcity.

scarcity appeared often to poor tribes.

The subject scarcity is the start of economics.

This shortage leads us to the story of Justenuf

,where the captain has to decide of dividing resources

We also made our own flags for the community

we are living in.

The first and third world countries are places which have

resources and some dont. E.G. U.S, Western Europe,are all

first world countries. I really like microsociety as it is that fun.

I wonder what we might be doing tommorrow.
