Transition into

Year 6:

During the transition into year 6, you will feel a lot of change and You will also have harder work and much more.

Rules and responsibilities:

There are many rules and responsibilities in year 6! Responsibilities are important because we have Head girl and boy, Deputy Head girl and boy as well as House Captains.These are very big roles!Now the rules!There are many rules in year 6 such as track the speaker, and listen well as you will be getting prepared for your SAT'S.

Role model:

In year 6, we have to be a role model for the younger years, and you can't be silly in the corridors, this is because the younger years might see and think that it's acceptable to use that behaviour in school which it isn't. You have to be mature and act the age that you are.

Residential trips:

There is one residential trip we get in year 6 which is the Isle of Wight (we didn't get to go this year due to the pandemic), but I am sure that it's really fun.

Should i ask questions?:

One more thing, don't be afraid to ask questions in class because you don't want to get to the fluency and not understand your work and the topic that you are learning.

Don't know to asking questions to I know