The Lifecycle of a ladybird

Ladybirds go through a series of physical changes called metamorphosis. These are from egg to larvae, to pupa and then become adults. This happens in between 4 to 8 weeks.

The eggs are laid on leaves and hatch in between 3 to 10 days. When they hatch they become larvae. Larvae will live for a month eating aphids and other small insects and insect eggs, then it becomes pupa and lasts for 15 days before it becomes a ladybird.

Ladybirds are insects and have six legs. They live for about a year eating plant eating insects such as aphids. Ladybirds hibernate in winter in evergreen trees such as olive trees. They tuck themselves in cracks on the trunk.

Ladybirds live in different habitats such as grasslands, forests, cities and long rivers.