PGL 2017 - Giant Swing

My heart thudded in my chest, I heard the karabiners click shut and the movement of metal work ; there was no getting out. The rickety platform was rolled away by mark - our instructor - so I placed my hands on the steel bar : to keep me from falling. I glanced at Matt who gave me a nervous smile. the swing started ascending. The harness tightened around my body.If I could I would have said stop but I couldn't , I wanted to reach it's peak. once we were 7/12ths upI bellowed stop but quikly changed my mind and carry on : i had to go further. Now I was 10/12 in the air (5/6) I stopped the swing. I was only a meter away but I couldn't go further. It felt like an eternity until we were allowed to pull the khaki-green string . Matt yanked it and the swing gave a jolt like it had been stung by a wasp as it swung through the air. My whole body relaxed and I let out a sigh of relief . I couldn't believe I did it !