Join in with the London Youth Games VIRTUAL Games 2020 to help Ealing Borough become Borough Champions!

More information can be found on their website:

Every week, three physical challenges will be set on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and published on the LYG website at 9:00am.

Pupils have until that Friday 12:00pm to complete those challenges and submit their score through the LYG website.

Please remember to select ‘Ealing’ borough when submitting scores.

Results for the week will be announced every Friday at 5:00pm.

Three new challenges will set for the following week and so on.

You don't have to upload a photo or video - just your score. But if you choose to upload a video onto social media, you might win a weekly prize. YOU MUST GET PERMISSION FROM YOUR PARENT/CARER.

When the event finishes on 4th July, a London Borough Champion will be announced!

Take a look, join in and have fun!