Viking Longships

How Vikings travelled

Viking long ships were used by Vikings to travel to countries so they could conker them and could fit 50-60 warriors.

How fast it went (long ships)

The long ship sailed at eighteen km/ h ( ten mph ) which was the same speed as a boat. It sailed long distances to make it faster, quite strong, lightweight and beautifully shaped so the Vikings long ship could go on the shore so they could attack easily.

What was it made of?

The Viking longship was made from several thick wood panels which were

fitted together with perfection to ensure

there were no gaps. The sail was different colours. For red, they would get the colour from blood! The sail was made by wives, daughters and servant girls. There was also a scary statue of a dragon, snake or a sea serpant on the front of the ship.

This was there to warn of the enemy and to help the Vikings find their way in the

right direction. The warrior's shields were found on the side of the ship and protected the Vikings from any flying arrows at sea. The shields were a round shape and were big enough to cover the majority of their bodies.