Here’s a round up of the second day at Kingswood. By all accounts the children were in bed and mostly asleep by lights out which was 10pm. An early breakfast slot of 7.40am meant waking the children up for 7ish which despite a few groggy eyes was not a problem. There were many options for the children, hot/cold along with cereals and toast.

The workers here are very similar to 18-30 club reps (I’m not suggesting I’ve ever been on such a holiday!), full of life, energy and noise. It’s their job to get the children excited and raring to go, which they do with great effect.

Weather wise, it was a nice day, slight breeze but pretty bright and not too cold. The whole day saw a variety of activities on offer for the children. The highlights from their point of view, were Aeroball, Laser Tag, Bouldering, Caving and Frisbee Golf. Lunch was Sausage/Veggie rolls, Chicken and BBQ burrito along with potato wedges.

In the afternoon the children continued with their activities, then a trip to the gift shop, where they spent their money on an assortment of items, some more quick to depart with their cash than others.

Dinner was Chicken/Veggie Curry, with flapjack as a desert option, all very nice. Each evening the children have an activity, tonight was Movie Night. The film with the most votes was Despicable Me 3, which they are watching right now, along with eating their purchases from the gift shop.

Bedtime will be next on the agenda and we’ll go again tomorrow morning. Thank you for your comments they really enjoyed reading them. Once your child has read your messages, they are then posted on the blog. Unfortunately due to time and lack of resources, they won’t be able to reply.

So till tomorrow it’s goodnight and keep the comments coming in.