Charles Darwin


Who was he?

Charles Darwin was

the man who discovered

evolution and the theory

that humans were

originally apes.

Who was his friend?

Joseph Hooker was

Darwins Best friend

and his experiences

helped convince

Darwin that his theory

was right and encouraged

him to publish his book.

What was the name of the

ship he travelled on?

Charles Darwin travelled

to an exotic island on

the H.M.S Beagle.

Which island did

he go to?

CH.D went to the

Galapagos Island.

What is survival

of the fittest?

It means that the

strongest and best

adapted will survive.

What was the name of

the book he wrote?

Charles wrote a book

called The Origin Of

Species and it was

published in 1859.

How do animals adapt

to there surrodings?

Did you know?

3 useful micro-

organisms are

Yeast = bread

milk = cheese

and bacteria in leaves

= nutrients for


Adaptation is where

an animal changes

to survive it's
