Online E Safety

All around the world people will want you personal details don't give it to them. you so stay aware.Always tell your mum or parent or gudian or a trusted adult and they will tell you what to do and keep you safe from harm .

Make sure your password is strong not like 1234 that needs to be stronger like pencil,paper,rubber put together to make a strong password that will keep you personal details safe and you can do the things that you want to do without being hacked or sent a virus or bug so keep your password safe and strong. :)

Record and pretend you are a professional YouTuber

Keep online and you will be just fine :) so if someone says he is dantdm and says give me a pick of you and house,number,road,name and he will give you his that is a bribe so dont do thing like that or give them that.

If you are a youtuber than change your settings to friends or private not public so you can be free with your youtube account :),And you can

Online E safety is when you (If you get a random email from someone you don't know then tell a pa

rent or guardian or trusted Adult . )Or if you get a threat if you do a youtube account. You should always stay aware online incase of rude comments or bribing emails.

if you have a picture of you at your birthday then dont post it if you do not have the parents permission from the mums or dads or guardian .

Beware some links could give you a virus,spyware,firewall,trojen horses .

tell your parents about this.

if you don't tell them

you might have to deal


never do something

for someone you

don't know .