.he travelled to the south pole in 1911

.he was born in 1868

.he was from Britain

.they left Cardiff in june 1910

ship was named terra nova.

.they didn't have anything to communicate with anyone.

.they arrived at the south pole at the 17 jan 1912.

.aminson had beaten them to it he arrived at the south pole at the 14 DEC.

.they had to face a 800m travel back

.the temperature drop to -40 degrees centi-grade.

.45 degrees cold than the winter weather in the UK.

.They lost evens in mid February.

.oats bravely sacrificed himself in march because he couldn't move very well.

.the expedition end on the 29 of march 1912

. he left a letter for his wife.

Robert falcon scott facts

Robert falcons letter to his wife.

dear darling,

I have wrote this letter to tell u that we may not make it back home. The temperature -40 degrees centi grade that is 45 degrees less than the UK temperature in the winter. I love you more than anything in the world to me and I hope you do well while I'm gone. evens and oats sacrificed themself and now its only three of us. we still have 20km to go. it has been about 5 months since we start to travel to the south pole and we didn't have the luck on our side but we kept on going forward. hope to see u soon.

from your husband

Robert falcon scott :RFL: