The Magical Snow Park

There was once a magical snow park. It was visited every year by people all around the globe. It's most famous path was it's never ending snow pathway! Only few people have come to the end and they have been framed at the sight since. Normally people only go halfway or a bit of the way. Never was it common to hear 'someone has finished the path!'. One day a family came to the site for a skiing holiday. They skied every day but then on the second last day they skies had to be taken away! They decided that, as they had nothing to do, they would walk the path! When they got halfway the two kids and the mum were begging to turn back but the dad had a different idea.

"You guys go back and I'm going to carryon walking".

He carried on and for hours he was heading no where. Then suddenly out of the blue he was at the end! His name was on the board and he felt very good the whole flight back!