What do you do on Christmas? Christmas is a time when Jesus is born and you need to celebrate that by spending time with your family. If you see someone wandering around in the cold streets, invite them over. We need to be welcoming to everyone around us. During Christmas time, we shouldn't be thinking about what we will get under the Christmas tree. Also, we shouldn't be rushing around getting ready for a gigantic feast at home or at someone else's, but actually think what we will be doing for others! You might have your whole day planned with playing games and just be thinking about yourself or you can start thinking what the world would be like if everyone thought about others. Think about all those lonely people out there who have no food, no money, or no shelter. If you could just make this a little deed from you, think how much you could change. For a fact, you could actually save someone's life. Think about all the children in all those countries who are so poor and have nothing whilst you are stuffing yourself with all this food. You have so much compared to them. Yes, this is your choice but that surely doesn't mean you can't try. Try, even if you donate just a few pence, you can make a big, big change to the world!