A strange night

It was a dark and stormy night when my family and I decided to go in a big house that is haunted and it was mid June.

When we arrived to the house,we immediately started to search for something that might be useful later on. The problem was that we were very scared of the thunder. We were smelling something burn but we didn't see anything.

We only found a hammer that might be useful.Then we went on second floor and you will not believe what we saw. We saw everything moving by it's own and even the glass of the windows was shattering into pieces. We found a room and in it there was a wolf and a zombie. We ran with all of our strength to the next floor.

On the third floor we didn't find anything and when we went to go out, we heard the vampire talking and saw a wolf coming into our way. The door was closed too.

We used the hammer to go out and ran to our home. We got home safe and sound and we continue to work at home.