By Rhea and Freya

Exhausted Joe, Beth and Fannie climbed up the colossal towering tree. When Joe saw the angry pixie making some tea, he peaked in and got a boiling hot cup of tea on his head. The angry pixie slammed the window shut. Silky helped poor Joe dry of and invited them in for some exploding marshmallows and they liked them.

After their tasty snack, they climbed up to Moon faces house and Sauce pan said “What is at top of the tree today.”“The land of pillows” replied Moon face. Sauce pan said “The land of mellows” Saucepan ran up the gigantic ladder.Everyone chased after him.

Saucepan jumped on to the pillows and shouted “These aren't mellows there pillows” “ The pillows are changing to white to yellow and to purple” exclaimed Beth .The land was covered in pillows of all shapes and sizes and changing colors. From blues to yellows to reds to purples it was a beautiful sight.

Suddenly tow alien’s came out of a sparkly space ship and chatted in wired voices “If you need any help blow this horn and we will come” Then the alien’s flew in the sparkly space ship. Joe heard ear screeching roar from the distends.Beth ran frantically. Beth was walking and got caught in the rope, to stop the aliens from getting in the cave.Everyone followed Beth. The pillow monster hears Beth crying for help and jumped, out of the deep dark gloomy cave. Beth screeched “Blow the horn Joe!”Joe blow the horn as hard as he could.“de de do !”

Amenity the anions rushed and soar the monster in a gloomy distends. The anions found a sharp soured and chopped the monsters foot and chunky leg even though it grew back . The monster screech in teaser and said “Roar”“Can someone translate that pleases !” asked Beth . Loudly the mane alien shouted “Throw him in the air just like we practice and I will whack him!”

An army of aliens came to attack the ginormous pillow monster. Sparingly the aliens wear so strong that they kited the pillow monster and chopped his head off, and it snowed delicate feathers. Sparingly the aliens soar all of the visitors and stared to attack but the aliens said “There not pillows there are friends!”


Land Of pillows