Arts Week

Last week in our school, we celebrated Arts Week. The theme for this Arts Week 2019 is mental health. Two students from each class, from Reception all the way up to Year six, have been chosen to learn to learn a poem and spread it around the whole school by Wednesday 26th June at 1pm. The whole school has to learn this poem and has to recite it together.

The poem is:

The sunny face

The big sun has a happy face,

His smile lights up the darkest place,

And so we always want a sun,

To come and smile at everyone.

I think I’ll make my own face sunny,

I’ll smile though things may not be funny,

Then all the people around will see,

A bright face when they look at me.

What is Mental Health?

Mental Health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental Health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. You don’t need to just keep your body healthy you need to keep your mind healthy too. You can keep your mind healthy by doing things such as giving your body enough rest, keeping yourself hydrated, doing some work but also do things you enjoy as well. There are many more ways but these are the most important. Mental Health is not about being intelligent, it’s about keeping your mind healthy.

What did we do on arts week?

Last week, all of the classes, Reception to year 6, watched a movie called ‘Inside Out’. This is a movie about mental health and the emotions you will feel on a day to day basis. We made up a character using an emotion. We had lots of fun doing these activities. We can’t wait for next year.

By Thuvarakaa & Amelia 5J