Martin Luther King Day

Martin Luther King Jr. was an American civil rights activist and he fought for equal rights for the colour of his skin. He was born on the 15th January 1929 in Georgia and he died in 1968. With tonnes of inspirational quotes in his motivational speeches, he was clearly a brilliant public speaker. He mentioned great and true quotes in his speeches such as, “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”

Thousands and thousands of people came to listen to his amazing speeches and in the end a decision was made to give the same rights that white people had to black people. After, Martin Luther King was sadly shot by a person who disagreed with equal rights for white and black people. There is now a national holiday called Martin Luther King Day to celebrate all the effort and hard work that Martin Luther King to change the world and rights for black and white people.

By Jaanvi 5S