Yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen dylai disgyblion ddysgu am fywyd Moses a rhai o'i brifgredoau. Gall disgyblion hefyd ddysgu am Muhammad a rhai o'i brif gredoau os yw hyn yn dderbyniol yng nghyd-destun yr ysgol.

Yng Nghyfnod Allweddol 2 dylai disgyblion ddechrau gwerthfawrogi swyddogaeth Cyfraith Moses yn natblygiad Iddewiaeth a'i heffaith ar fywyd credinwyr Iddewig. Ós yw hynny'n briodol, dylent hefyd ddechrau deall siâp bywyd Muhammad, ymdarddiad y gymuned Foslemaidda rôl y Qur'an mewn perthynas â hyn. Dylent hefyd ddysgu am y pellter o ran amser a daearyddiaeth rhwng Moses, lesu a Muhammad fel na bydd drysu o ran eu bywydau na'u cenhadaeth. Mewn gwirionedd, dylent feithrin gwerthfawrogiad a sensitifrwydd tuag at brif grefyddau'r byd, gan ddewis y rheiny sy'n briodol i gyd-destun yr ysgol.

In the Foundation Phase pupils should learn about the life of Moses and some of his main beliefs. Pupils may also team about Muhammad and some of his main beliefs, where the school's context makes this desirable.

In Key Stage 2 pupils should begin to appreciatethe function of Mosaic Law in the development of Judaism and its impact on the life of Jewish believers. If appropriate, they should also begin to appreciatethe shape of Muhammad's life, the emergence of the Muslim community and the role of the Qur'an in relation this. They should also team about the distance in historical time and geographical situation between Moses, Jesus and Muhammad so as to avoid confusing their lives or their missions. In essence, they should acquire an appreciation and sensitivity toward some of the principal religions of the world, selecting those appropriate to the school's context.

Credoau Eraill / Other Faiths