Week Beginning 25th January Home Learning


This home learning is designed to be completed over the course of the

week. Take a look below and each day try to complete:

  1. A Maths task
  2. An English task
  3. Either Science, Topic, P.E or R.E

Ask your parents to take photographs of your work and email them to us once during the week.

Task: Write a letter to one of your relatives telling them what you have been up to and post it. Click on the postbox picture for a recap on what to include.

Task: From Tuesday onwards, continue with your diary entry.

Task: Ahead of the RSPB Winterwatch on Thursday, make an information page telling people how they can attract wildlife into the garden. Click on the picture of the Robin to learn more.

Thursday Task: Click on the link and Watch Big Schools

Winterwatch Live at 11:00 (no 11:30 Teams meet on Thursday).

Task: Complete a reading comprehension on Read Theory.

Monday Task: Earn some stars on Doodle Maths.

Tuesday Task: Complete as much as you can of the the pattern work on page 4 and 5

of this blog.

Wednesday Task: Complete Wednesday pattern activity sheet.

Thursday Task: Complete Year 2 Make Patterns with 3D Shapes activity.

Friday Task: Complete either Fluency, Reasoning or Problem Solving from White Rose worksheet on page 6 of this blog.


Our Science Topic this half term is Animals and their needs

The focus for this week is what do humans and other animals need to stay healthy?

Task: Read Basic Needs PowerPoint.

Task: Click on the link at the side and watch

"What animals need to survive?". Complete online quiz.

Task: Complete Basic Needs worksheet.

Task: Complete Pet Fact File.

Task: Design a Pirate flag.

Task: Identify and make a list of the Oceans around the world.

Task: Create a treasure map of your living room/bedroom/

garden and hide some pretend treasure. See if your brother/

sister/parents can follow the map and find the treasure.

