Book Club in Year 4...

This week we started our very own book club here at Cheswick Green Primary School. Year 4 have been reading different types of children's fiction books.

"I loved the book, it's the best book ever!"

-Daniel K.

"My favorite bit of the book was probably when the trouble came into the story. I would definitely recommend this book."


"This book was really good because it had lots of adventure in it!" -Abbie Mai

"This book is a bit sad because he can't hear so well." -Anonymous

"My opinion of the book is that it is good, not just good, really good!"

- Daisy W

We choose the book that we wanted to read at home, then we had two weeks to read it! In our book club we sat on a cushion with our group to discuss the book that we had read. We threw a question dice and discussed one question at a time. The things that we talked about were:

- how the characters felt at different parts of the story,

- problems that had to be solved in story,

- questions that we had about the story,

- parts of the story that we liked and disliked,

- any interesting or unfamiliar words.

This is what some of us thought...